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(2) Fabricatore factories(ateliers) - history and location


Gennaro factories' rational production system by mass production

Gennaro Family
Ateliers/Factories : Giacomo37, Giacomo26, Giacomo42, and Toledo297


Factories for mass production

Guessing from the family tree I made this time, they had several factories for mass production. It seems that they let the other manufacturers make instruments and sold them with Gennaro Fabricatore's labels, just as Lacote did. In Fabricatore relatives, Gennaro family was prospering from about 1800. It is likely that the brothers took part in the production in the same factory .

No clear differnce on labels between Gennaro I and Gennaro II

As they produced for two genarations, many labels mention "Gennaro Fabricatore" . We have to judge who, the father or the son, made which instrument with the year and the style. However, I suppose that most instruments were ordered from outside manufacturers, while they themselves didn't make a lot. In that period, "Gennaro Fabricatore" was a brand just as "Lacote" and "Martin", so, there was no need to distinguish labels (Gennaro I or Gennaro II).

A literature says that Gennaro I's factory was at Giacomo37 from 1773, moved to Giacomo26 in about 1793, and moved back to Giacomo37 in 1802 . But, an instrument was actually manufactured at Giacomo26 between 1804 and 1809, while another one at Giacomo37 in 1808. Moreover, the 1837 violin has a label of "Giacomo 26". It means the atelier at Giacomo 26 , which might be small, continued to exist and were operated with the other factories in parallel.

In addition, it looks that none of Fabricatore family's ateliers(factories) was operated around 1845 and later. After the middle of18th century, the audience's interest shifted to louder-sounded instruments as a piano or a wind insturument. The change in music taste may be a cause of guitar music declining.

Gennaro himself produced custom-made instruments.

The 1837 violin has a small label mentioning "Giacomo 26". Similar small labels are seen on a few other instruments made by Gennaro, although the labels cannot tell who made, Gennaro I or II . I've concluded that the big label is used for instruments mass-produced or ordered from outside manufacturers; and the small one is for instruments made by himself when he received orders personally.


Supposing from the number of existing instruments, Gennaro produced a great many instruments in that period. Most of Gennaro family's guitars are closely resemble in body size, string length, and arabesque. The 1826 large-sized guitar and the 1833 Terz guitar are exceptional string length examples(664mm and 545mm).

Added a postscript November 2004)

Fabricatore's last guitar :
My study at this point shows that the last guitar which has "Fabricatore" label was manufactured in 1854. I haven't confirmed existance of a guitar made after the year, while some violins and cellos are found.
Please wait for my next report. Appreciate your patience.

Gennaro Fabricatore (I and II)

1789: Mandolino / Sotheby's 1980 NewYork , Dizionario dei costruttori ... [*1],[*12]

1790: Mandorone 6cource/ Web (, Dizionario dei costruttori ... [*web] ,[*1]

1791 :Guitar,Decolated, 6 strings, Giacomo37/[*web] +20041117

179(3)?: Guitar, 6strings Mahogany ribs and back,String length 647mm, Label: Gennaro Fabricatore Neapoli 179?? S.Giacomo n°37, Small llabel(May be private label) / [*web] +20040726

1794 :Guitar, 6 strings, Leaf arabesque (Like a 1818)/ Gemeentemuseum in Den Haag in Holland [*16] +20041117

1797: Lyra Guitar, 6strings Giacomo26 / Museo Civico di Modena [*1]

1800: Lyra Guitar / Sotheby's 1980 NewYork, Dizionario dei costruttori ... [*1],[*12]

1801: Violin, S.Giacomo n.26, Small llabel ( May be private label ) / eBAY auction May, 2003 [*web] +20030829

1801 : Guitar, simple model, long and narrow body. [*19] +20050501

1801 : Violin, No purfling (Top replaced?), Dark brown varnish, 1801(9?), Label:Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 1801 Napoli Strada S.Giacomo n.26 [*web] +20070903

1802 : Small guitar,full moon body, head replaced?slotted machine. String length 381mm, 6 strings, Giacomo26 [*18] +20101001

1803 : Guitar,Head remodeled to slotted , 6 strings, Giacomo26/Germany [*18]

1803 : Violin,Giacomo n: 26/eBAY Germany [*web] +20060901

1803 : Violin, Light brown varnish, Book match back, stamp "2007" on back, Label:Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 1803 Napoli Strada S.Giacomo n.26 [*web] +20070903

1804: Guitar, 6strings Giacomo26 / Private collection on web. (Mr.K) [*web]

1804 : Guitar, 6 strings,Giacomo(No house No.)/Wien Player [*18] +20041117

1805 : Label only (Encyclopedia of violin-makers Volume I ) [*3]

1806: Lyra Guitar Giacomo26 / Book [*7]

1806: Lyra Guitar / Dizionario dei costruttori ... [*1]

1806 :Guitar, FAN fingerboard, little arabesque,Zebra neck, Giacomo n: 26/MT [*14] +20060901

1807: Violin, S. Giacomo n.26, /eBAY auction US, April,2005 [*web] +20050501

1808: Guitar, 6strings, Teardrop Giacomo37 / Dizionario dei costruttori ... [*1]

1808 : Violin,Giacomo26/eBAY [*web] +20041117

1808: Violin, S. Giacomo n.26, /eBAY auction US, Jan,2005 [*web] +20050501

1808 : Violin,Giacomo/eBAY Germany [*web] +20060901

1809: Guitar / Otello Bignami collection(Bologna) [*1]

1809: Label only, Giacomo26,1807 or 1809, Small llabel(May be private label)/ RENE VANNES [*6]

1809: Violin: Giacomo26, Label? /eBAY auction US, Oct.12,2003 US$710 [*web] +20031206

1809 : Lyra Guitar, 6strings, 23frets / Modena [*18] +20081028

1810: Guitar, 6strings, Teardrop / Book, Renato Meucci collection [*1] ,[*9]

1810 : Mandolin 4cource Wooden friction pegs, no rosetta in soundhall /eBAY LIVE Auction in Oct,2007, Bloomsbury Auctions (Italia ) [*web] +20081028

1811: Lyra Guitar, 6 strings [Strada S.Giacomo] / Museo del Conservatorio di Firenze [*1]

1811: Guitar, 6 strings, Giacomo37/ Dizionario dei costruttori ... [*1]

1812?: Guitar, 6 strings, Giacomo42 /shop [*14]

1812: Violin, Strada S. Giacomo n. 26. /eBAY US and Germany, Feb,2005 [*web] +20050501

1812 : Guitar, 6 strings S.Giacomo n.42 Simple 18th style model. thick fingerboard, Maple 1 piece back, neck/heel/head veneered with rosewood. /eBAY Germany Auction in Oct,2007[*web] +20081028

1814: Guitar, 6 strings / shop [*14]

1814 : Guitar, 6 strings, Simple model, Zebra neck. Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 1814 Napoli Strada S.Giacomo / MPM[*16] +20101001

1815: Guitar, 6 strings, Giacomo42 / PHILLIPS [*1] ,[*13]

1815:Guitar, 6 strings friction peg/ Sotheby's 2000 London [*13]

1815: Guitar, 6 strings / Shop-T.G.S [*web]

1815: Guitar, 6 strings /1 piece back,flash fingerboard,tortoiseshell arabesque,Label:Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 1815 Napoli Strada S.Giacomo n.42 [*18 Ms.BZ] +20070903

1816 : Label only, Giacomo42 /(WILLIAM HENLEY [*4]

1817: Guitar, 6 strings, Giacomo42 / Sotheby's 1977 London [*1] , [*12]

1817: 1817:Guitar, rescent body , 6 strings /Musee Instrumental, Brussels (The Look of Music) [*15]

1818: Guitar, 6 strings / Book [*9]

1818: Lyra Guitar, 6 strings, Giacomo42 / web ( [*web]

1819: Guitar, 6 strings, Giacomo42 /Private collection, JAPAN [*collections]

1819 : Violin,Giacomo n.26/eBAY Germany [*web] +20060901

1819 : Guitar, wide area arabesque, Some remodeled, Giacomo n.42/Shop (TOKYO) [*14] +20060901

1819 : Violin, eBAY USA Auction in March,2008 [*web] +20081028

1819 : Guitar, 6 strings, Simple model, paper lining. Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 1819 Napoli Strada S.Giacomo n.42/ AS [*18] +20101001

1820: Guitar, 6 strings, Giacomo42/ RENE VANNES [*6]

1820 : Label only, Giacomo42 / Encyclopedia of violin-makers Volume I [*3]

1820 : Giacomo42 / Die geigen und lautenmacher [*2]

1820 : Guitar [*19] +20050501

1820 : Violin,Giacomo n.26/eBAY Germany [*web] +20060901

1821 : Guitar, slotted head, VR machine pegs, Giacomo n.42 /eBAY Germany [*web]+20060901

1821: Guitar, 6 strings, that belonged to Giuseppe Mazzini /Istituto Mazziniano, Museo del Risorgimento, GENOVA Liguria (Web-CIMCIM) [*web]

1822: Guitar, 6 strings, Giacomo42 / Book [*7]

1822: Guitar, 6 strings / on web Edinburgh ( [*web]

1822: Guitar, 6 strings / Web (Mr.K) [*web]

1822 : Guitar, 6 strings, Giacomo42/ [*18] +20041117

1822 : Guitar, decorated model [*19] +20050501

1823 : Cello /eBAY [*web] +20041117

1823 : Cello, Cello, dark red varnish., S.Giacomo n.26. / Aug 2008, Yahoo auction [*web] +20081028

1823 : Guitar, 6 strings, S.Giacomo n.42 Decolated model. 1 piece back, crecent pick guard, flash fingerboard,M.O.P purfling. /12 May 2008 [*16] Museum (USA) +20081028

1824: Guitar, 6 strings / Mr.D [*web]

1824 : Violin, 3/4 size, Giacomo n.26/eBAY USA Auction in Nov 2007 [*web] +20081028

1826 : Label only, Toledo / WILLIAM HENLEY [*4]

1826: Guitar, 6 strings, BigBody 650mm , Toledo297 /Private Collection in JAPAN [*collections]

1826: Guitar, 6 strings / Mr.V [*web]

1827 : Guitar, 6 strings, Simple model,Trimed label.Strada Toledo N297 [*18] +20101001

1828 : 6string guita, Decorated model, ebony veneer on neck, side belt, purfling, unique helical mustache,one piece flamed walnut back. Strada Toledo N297 [*19]

1828: Guitar, 6 strings /1 piece back,thin fingerboard,Label:GENNARO FABRICATORE Anno 1828 Strada Toledo n 297 Napoli [*web , *14 Canada] +20070903

1828 : Guitar, 6 strings, Toledo n297. Decolated model. Head and bridge are replaced. Flash fingerboard, 1 piece back, M.O.P purfling.. /eBAY USA Auction in Oct 2007 [*web] +20081028

1829 : Viola,Giacomo N.26/eBAY Germany, eBAY USA [*web] +20060901

1830: Guitar, 6 strings, decorated, 6in-linePeg, Toledo297/ Private Collection in UK (Mr.J) [*collections]

1830 : Guitar, decorated model , inline machine peg [*19] +20050501

1830 : Violin,Giacomo n.26/eBAY USA [*web] +20060901

1830: Violin,Label:Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 1830 Napoli Strada S.Giacomo n.26 /eBAY USA&YahooJAPAN Auction [*web] [*web] +20070903

1830 : Violin, 4/4 size, Giacomo n.26/eBAY USA Auction in Aug 2008 [*web] +20081028

1831: Guitar, 6 strings, Giacomo37 / A.Tacchi collection: Bologna [*1]

1831: Violin,Label:Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 1831 Napoli Strada S.Giacomo n.26 /eBAY Germany [*web] +20070903

1833:TerzGuitar,6 strings, 545mm , Toledo297 / Private Collection in JAPAN [*collections]

1835: Guitar, 6 strings, decorated, 6in-linePeg, Toledo297 / eBAY auction and japanse guitar shop KUROSAWA [*web], [*collections]

1836: Guitar / Museo di Stoccarda [*1]

1836 : Guitar Toledo297 / RENE VANNES(misprint) [*6]

1837 : Violin, Giacomo26, Small llabel ( May be private label ) / eBAY auction Feb. 2003 [*web]

1841 : Guitar / RENE VANNES [*6]

1842 : Violin, Book matched back, Strada S. Giacomo n.26 [*18] +20101001

1843 : Violin,Giacomo26/eBAY [*web]

1843: Violin,Book match back,Yellow varnish, Label:Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 1843 Napoli Strada S.Giacomo n.26 /eBAY USA [*web] +20070903

1854 : Guitar, Giacomo26, Zebra neck (like a 1806 G.B.Fabricatore guitar) / eBAY auction in Germany EUR1310 Sep.20,2003 [*web] +20031206

1856 : Violin, Book matched back, Label:Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 1856 Napoli Strada S.Giacomo n. 26 [*web] +20070903

1869: Violin, Small llabel ( May be private label ) , No house number / eBAY auction June. 2003 [*web] +20030829

1876 : Violin, Label : GENNARO FABRICATORE ANNO 1876 NAPOLI STRADA S. GIACOMO n. 26./ at eBAY auction Germany Dec.6.2003[*web] +20031206

1887 : Violin,Giacomo26/Korea: Player [*18] +20041117

1887 : Violin,Giacomo n.26/eBAY Germany [*web] +20060901

1890 : Violin,356mm/Shop(YOKOHAMA JAPAN) [*web] +20060901

189X : Cello, Giacomo26, Skinners auction , Boston Oct 19th lot 22. [*web] +20031206

1899 : Violin,Giacomo26/eBAY [*web] +20041117

18XX : Vn,
No Year , No hous nomber. eBAY auction US, Oct.15,2003 US $566.57 The Description: "Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 18.. Napoli Strada S. Giacomo No." [*web] +20031206

1??9 : 6strings Guitar , M.J Stamp Mauro Giuliani Guitar? The label Description: "Gennaro Fabricatore Anno 1??9 Napoli Strada S. Giacomo No.37" [*web] +20040726


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