(2) Fabricatore factories(ateliers) - history and location
Conservative and true artisans, Giovanni Battista family
Giovanni Family
Ateliers : Ajuto 32 and Ajuto 91
Giovanni Battista was a stringed instrument manufacturer in Naples. Many literatures mention about him, and many of his instruments exist and the quality is high. The instruments are displayed in the key museums all over the world. The son Raffaele made sophisticated and motivated instruments as you see in his 1813 guitar. However, in number, his instruments are much fewer than those of Gennaro family made in their golden age.
Guitar : Giovanni Battista Fabricatore1806
Gio:Battif(s)ta Fabricatore
Napoli Anno 1806. in
S. M. dell' Ajuto. N. 32.
The Italian words "e Figlio Raff" on the 1813 guitar label mean "and the son Raffaele (made by Giovanni Batista Fabricatore and his son Raffaele )" .
Guitar : Raffaele Fabricatore 1813
Gio:Battista Fabricatore
e Figlio Raff. fecit Neapoli
1813 in S.a M.a dell' Ajuto
Num. 32.
It shows not only his father G.B.Fabricatore's fame but their definite father-son relationship. I've been looking for another example made by Raffaele , but haven't found yet. Please advise me, if you have any information.
In 1813, the father was already very old. A label mentioning both this famous father and the son is attached to the guitar. On guitar labels, both(a father and the son) names have been mentioned customarily from old days until now. Comparing with the father's 1806 guitar, the 1813 guitar has different shape although there are a few common structural points. I came to a conclusion that the 1813 guitar was made by the son only, not a collaboration.
Raffaele's instruments haven't been found as many as his father's. It's partly because only few people notice the meaning of the labels, even if some of them may have been found. Giovanni Battista and Raffaele's atelier didn't move often. They were manufacturing together in their atelier at Ajute 32. It is interesting that they used different labels between the father and the son, although they manufactured in the same place and period.
Giovanni Battista Fabricatore
17XX : Violin, Gio Bapttista Fabricatore fece An 17 in S . M. dell Ajuto Napoli / eBAY USA[*web] +20060901
1777 : Cello, No house number. / eBAY USA,eBAY Germany [*web],Shop[*14] +20060901
1780 : Mandolone, YALE Univ. collection Acc#4555 [*web] +20050501
1780 : Violin, S. M. dell' Ajuto(No house No.), BeBAY [*web] +20041117
1781 : Quinterne, YALE Univ. collection Acc#4555 [*web] +20050501
1781 : 4course 8strings Mandolin / [*19] +20050501
1783 : Violinr, (S.M.dell' Ajuto) / Private collection in JAPAN [*collections] +20030829
1784 : Mandolin / RENE VANNES [*6]
1785 : Guitar, 6strings (Ajuto91) / DE MANDOLINE EN DE GUITAAR, [*7]
1785 : Cello, No house No., eBAY(USA and Germany / Jan, 2005) / [*web] +20050501
1785 : Violin, No house No., eBAY Germany / Jan, 2005 / [*web] +20050501
1785 : Guitar, 6strings, (house number:32) / Private collection in England [*collections] +20030829
1785 : Mandolino / Museo Sforzesco di Milano [*1]
17?? : Mandolino tenore / Museo Sforzesco di Milano [*1]
1786 : Mandolino /Museo di Budapest [*1]
1787 : Violin, Gio:Battifia Fabricatore fecit An 1787. in S.M. dell'Ajuto Napoli S. M. dell' Ajuto / Private collection in JAPAN [*collections] +20040726
1789 : Mandolino / Sotheby's 1980 [*12]
1789 : Mandolino, decorated (Ajuto) /Museo di Basilea? [*1]
1790 : Mandolino / PHILLIPS 1989 [*13]
1791 : Guitar 6 strings, Decorated (S.M. del Ajuto) /Musikhistoriska[*1]
1791 : Guitar 6 strings, decorated (S.M. del Ajuto) / Web and Book[*web] , [*9]
1792 : Mandolone / Norinberga [*1]
1792 : 5course Guitar. 11fret joint, MOP, NO house No. / Sweden, Nydahl Collection [*16?] +20031206
1792 : Violin / eBAY USA[*web] +20060901
1793 : Mandolino / Web.(cite-musique.fr) [*web]
1793 : Label only, (S.M. del' Ajuto32)/ (Encyclopedia of violin-makers Volume I: PAUL HAMLYN ) [*3]
1793 : - (S.M. del' Ajuto32) / Die geigen und lautenmacher [*2]
1793 : Guitar 6 strings, Paper lined,6-flower position mark on finger board. S.M. dell' Ajuto. Napoli. / [*18 ] +201010011794 : Guitar,Decorated / (Seller: La Finarte in Milano) [*1]
1794 : Mandolin 4cource (Ajuto32) / DE MANDOLINE EN DE GUITAAR [*7]
1795 : Guitar Ajuto 32 / Museo Sforzesco di Milano [*1]
1796 : Mandolin, (Curt Sachs - catalogue) / RENE VANNES [*6]
1796 : Guitar Ajuto32 / (1796 in Christie's2001) [*17] +20041117
1796 : Violin, Ajuto No house No. / Mr.KJ (Germany) [*18] +20050501
1796 : Mandoline, (4cource) ,S.M. dell' Ajuto. N. 32./ Mr.G.H private collecion [*18] +20081028
1797 : Guitar / Musicali di Roma, DE MANDOLINE EN DE GUITAAR. [*1] ,[*10]
1797 : Mandolino / Sotheby's 1988 [*1]
1797 : Lyra Guitar, 6 strings,,Decorated (Ajuto32)/ Museo di Basilea [*1]
1797 : Cello / (France: player) [*18] +20041117
1797 : Mandolin Decorated model , S. M. dell' Ajuto. N. 31(maybe 32) / Shop - vi (USA) [*14] +20070903
1798 : 6-string guitar G. B. Fabricatore, 1798 / MUSEUM, OREGON , Phoenix (AMIS-web) [*web]
1798 :6string guitar Ajuto. N.32.Decorated model, Long and narrow body, zebra neck, paper lining, unique pattern label. / Shop(Australia) [*14] +20050501
1799 : Guitar, decorated [*web] +20041117
1799 : Guitar G.B.Fabricatore 1799, long and narrow body. / [*19] +20050501
1800 : Guitar, 6 strings (Ajuto32) Decolated / Museo di Basilea [*1]
1800 : Guitar, 6 strings (Ajuto32) Decolated / [*18 to *14] +201010011805 : Apollo guitar / Musikfreunde de Vienne [*1]
1806 : Lyra Guitar 6 strings / Web (cite-musique.fr) [*web]
1806 : Guitar, 6 strings (Ajuto32) / Private collection in TOKYO [*collections]
1807 : Guitar, decorated / Sotheby's 1978 London.[*1] , [*12]
1807 : Guitar, épaper lining, 6 strings (Ajuto32) /Italia:Player's [*18] +20041117
1809 : Violin,Ajuto 32 / eBAY Germany[*web] +20060901
1811 : Label only , S. M. dell'Ajuto32 / WILLIAM HENLEY [*4]
1811 : Guitar, 6 strings, Decolated model (S.M. dell' Ajuto32) / [*14 Musical instruments Dealer ] +20040726
1811 : Violin, Full size (S. M. dell'Ajuto) / eBAY USA 2002 [*web]
1811 : Guitar, 6 strings (Ajuto32), remodeled /from Germany and Wien [*18] +20041117
1811 : Guitar, 6 strings (Ajuto32), Paper lining / from Germany and Italy [*18] +20041117
1811 : Guitar, 6 strings (Ajuto32), 6string gutair,decorated model, Tortoise shell (bridge, mustache,purfling),one piece flamed walnut back. / Thailand Mr.N [*18] +20050501
(c.1811) : 3/4 Size Bass Violin , 4 strings, Bass Gamba shaped body, flat back / Shop(NY/USA) [*14] +20050501
1814 : Guitar, 6strings: Gio: Battista Fabricatore e Figlio Raff fecit Neapoli 1814 in S.a M.a dell' Ajuto Num.32 / Shop(Australia) [*14] +20050501
1820 : Guitar, 6 strings (Ajuto32), 17frets, Turip label , Gennaro made? / 8 Aug 2008, [*16] +20081028
1824 : Guitar, Trapezoid (Ajuto32), e Figlio Raff / S.Cecilia in Roma [*1]
1824 : Guitar, dimezzata, e Figlio Raff / Museo strumentale antico [*16] +20030829
1827 : Mandolin, 4course 8strings, 23 maple ribs, thin finger board, Machine pegs, Silver emblem on head. unique label (tulip pattern) / London Mr.TT [*18] +20050501
1844 : Violin / eBAY Germany[*web] +20060901
1847 : Violin : G.B.Fabricatore Vn 1847 Violin, Label: Gio:Batista fabricatore fecit An.1847 S.M.deli' Ajuto. Napoli / eBAY Germany(May, 2005) [*web] +20050501
1849 :Violin,1843? / eBAY Germany[*web] +20060901
Raffaele Fabricatore
1813 : Guitar, 6 strings (Ajuto32), e Figlio Raff / Private Collection in TOKYO [*collections]
1814 : Guitar, 6 strings (May be [e Figlio Raff] ) , Paper Lining / on Web (Mr.K) [*web], [*18] +20031206, +20041117
1814 : Guitar, 6strings: Gio: Battista Fabricatore e Figlio Raff fecit Neapoli 1814 in S.a M.a dell' Ajuto Num.32 / Shop(Australia) [*14] +20050501
1820 : Guitar6 strings , Label " Gio: Battista Fabricatore e Figlio Raff. fecit Neapoli 1820 in S.M. dell' Ajuto Num.32. ] / at eBAY Germany Oct.11,2003 [*web] +20031206
1821 : Lyra Guitar (Ajuto32) / Museo Teatrale alla Scala [*1]
1824 : Guitar, Trapezoid (Ajuto32), e Figlio Raff / S.Cecilia in Roma [*1]
1824 : Guitar, dimezzata, e Figlio Raff / Museo strumentale antico [*16] +20030829
XXXX Battista and Raffaele Fabricatore; archlute [6 choirs, 8bass strings / Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Museo Strumentale : ROMA, Lazio/ Web-CIMCIM [*web]